Bid Notices

Reference Number
Project Title
Mode of Procurement
Approved Budget
Date Publish
Closing Date
11-10-23-215-05CA Continuation of Green Admin Building-3rd Floor, DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 5,000,000.00 10/16/2023 11/06/2023 09:00:00
17-08-23-215-03SLUC2 Establishment and/or Support to the College of Medicine, DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 50,000,000.00 10/16/2023 11/06/2023 09:00:00
24-11-23-215-21CA Supply and Delivery of Vehicle (SUV and Pick-up), DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Goods Public Bidding 4,700,000.00 02/15/2024 03/06/2024 09:00:00
24-11-23-215-22CA Supply and Delivery of Vehicle (Ambulance), DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Goods Public Bidding 3,500,000.00 02/15/2024 03/06/2024 09:00:00
24-11-23-215-23NARTD Supply and Delivery of Vehicle (Pick-up), DMMMSU-NARTDI, Sapilang, Bacnotan, La Union Goods Public Bidding 2,000,000.00 02/15/2024 03/06/2024 09:00:00
17-08-23-215-03SLUC1 Establishment and/or Support to the College of Medicine, DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 50,000,000.00 02/07/2024 02/27/2024 09:00:00
08-02-24-215-01CA ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFYING BODY Consulting Services Public Bidding 1,200,000.00 02/09/2024 02/16/2024 09:00:00
24-11-23-215-20CA Supply and Delivery of Vehicle (Mini Bus), DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Goods Public Bidding 4,500,000.00 03/04/2024 03/25/2024 09:00:00
24-03-15-215-10NLUC DMMMSU-NLUC 10G Ready Campus- ICT Structured Cabling, DMMMSU-NLUC Sapilang Bacnotan La Union Goods Public Bidding 15,000,000.00 04/05/2024 04/29/2024 09:00:00
2024-5060405099-005 Supply & Delivery of Other Equipment (NICER) Goods Public Bidding 1,610,000.00 04/16/2024 05/06/2024 01:30:00
24-07-02-215-02SLUC Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Network Equipment and Structured Cable System, DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union Goods Public Bidding 15,000,000.00 07/02/2024 07/22/2024 09:00:00
24-07-02-215-03SLUC Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment (Establishment and/or Support to the College of Medicine), DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union Goods Public Bidding 5,000,000.00 07/02/2024 07/22/2024 09:00:00
17-07-24-215-04SLUC Continuation of Construction of the College of Medicine Building, Phase II (Establishment and/or Support to the College of Medicine), DMMMSU-SLUC, A Civil Works Public Bidding 5,000,000.00 07/19/2024 08/09/2024 09:00:00
17-07-24-215-05CA Other Land Improvement for Green Administration Building, Phase III DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 4,000,000.00 07/19/2024 08/09/2024 09:00:00
17-07-24-215-06CA Green Admin - Perimeter Fence, DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 2,500,000.00 07/19/2024 08/09/2024 09:00:00
2024-5021304099-111 Repair of Salt Storage Facility Civil Works Public Bidding 1,500,000.00 08/01/2024 08/22/2024 13:00:00
09-08-24-215-07CA CA Green Admin-Other Land Improvements (Gate), DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 5,000,000.00 08/12/2024 09/02/2024 09:00:00
09-08-24-215-08CA Construction of Multi-Purpose Building, DMMMSU-CA, Raois, Bacnotan, La Union Civil Works Public Bidding 6,000,000.00 08/12/2024 09/02/2024 11:25:19
24-08-09-215-04SLUC Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Industrial Ceiling Fan, DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union Goods Public Bidding 3,000,000.00 08/12/2024 09/02/2024 01:00:00
24-08-09-215-05MLUC Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture & Fixtures, DMMMSU-MLUC, City of San Fernando, La Union Goods Public Bidding 2,000,000.00 08/12/2024 09/02/2024 01:00:00